Farm Security Guard Fatally Shoots A Thug In Stomach During Dramatic Fight In Brazil

Submitted on 05/10/2021 by: Wicked
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Suspect dies and vigilant is injured after fight and exchange of shots at Restinga farm; video

A 36-year-old man, who was also vigilant, threatened an employee with a gun, but ended up being hit in the chest, according to the Civil Police. Security camera footage recorded the action.

Assault ends with suspect killed and vigilante shot in Restinga, SP

A 36-year-old suspect died and a 44-year-old security guard was hospitalized after an exchange of fire at the entrance to a farm in Restinga, in the Franca (SP) region, over the weekend. Images from security cameras (see above) recorded the action.

According to the Civil Police, the man who did not resist the injuries appears in the video threatening the farm worker, who reacted. The circumstances of the case will be investigated.

According to information from the police report, the action took place late Saturday afternoon in a location close to Rodovia Néstor Pereira (SPA 397/334).

In the video obtained by EPTV, an affiliate of TV Globo, it is possible to see that a man in a helmet arrives on a motorcycle to the farm and the guard who was in the guardhouse opens the gate.

According to the bulletin, the official recognized the visitor, who initially said he wanted to talk, but subsequently, he drew a revolver and threatened the guard.

The employee does not surrender and also picks up a gun. The two begin to fight, exchange shots and end up shot.

Even injured, the suspect flees on a motorcycle. According to the police report, he was found in the emergency room in Restinga, where he received a flagrant arrest warrant.

He was transferred to Santa Casa de Franca, where he underwent surgery, but he could not resist his injuries, the EPTV production found on police duty.

The 44-year-old caretaker was also helped with a stable clinical condition by Santa Casa de Franca and was hit by three shots that caused injuries to the face, left shoulder and hand. He was hospitalized until early Monday morning (10).

The 44-year-old's gun was seized, but the revolver used by the suspect was not found.

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