Ride Through Hell

Submitted on 09/06/2023 by: Wicked
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Newly released video from the Spokane County Sheriff's Office shows a deputy making his way through the Oregon Road Fire moments after telling nearby residents they need to evacuate.

Deputy Brittan Morgan was one of the responding law enforcement officials when the Oregon Road Fire first sparked on Aug. 18. His body camera footage shows him trying to evacuate residents from the area as the fire moves closer to homes and structures. Then, without knowing his camera was still on, Morgan got in his patrol car and drove through a scene the sheriff's office described as "hell on Earth."

At approximately 6 p.m. on Aug. 18, Morgan was in his assigned area trying to evacuate as many people as possible. After notifying the last person, who didn't want to leave, Morgan got back in his patrol car and started driving south on Jefferson Road to Oregon Road. He then waited for his partner Deputy Nave and other people trying to evacuate. The two then started following the people leaving the area.

At this point, Morgan and Nave were driving through intense flames and heavy smoke. However, Morgan's body camera was still on at this point, and it captured the extremely terrifying moment.

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