24 Year Old Girl Shot Dead While Working

Submitted on 01/12/2024 by: jfkisafk
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Shooting Brazil 66,241 views


Pacajá, southwest Pará, Pacajâ, 1.9.24, evening.

Fernanda Morrana Rodrigues Galvão, 24, was working her third night at a bar.

Fernanda and another woman were sitting in front of the bar, talking to a man on a motorcycle.

Two suspects approached on another motorcycle. The passenger disembarked, pulled a gun, and fired several shots at Fernanda, who then ran inside. Her friend bails into bushes.

Fernanda managed to get to the bathroom, but is shot again. She died before medical help arrived.

No motive, no suspects.

Special thanks to @glittercannon.

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