Tattoo Artist Shot Dead In Venezuela

Submitted on 09/21/2023 by: Wicked
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Shooting Venezuela 45,041 views


Known artistically in the world of body tattoo artists as "Yankee Tattoo" Gutiérrez had certainly worked in Curacao, but his return to La Vela dates back to December when he decided to be among family and wait for the settlement and approval of the Parole, since his desire was to migrate. to the United States.

Refusing to lend his motorcycle would have been the trigger for the treacherous crime that had at least six witnesses, only one of whom was seen interceding to avoid the outcome, being the case of the young man dressed in dark clothing. However, Willy stepped back only to lower the gun to his waist, load it and, being without intermediaries, shoot Jeancarlos up to three times, the last time in the head, already on the ground.

Prior to the commission of the crime, the video shows "Willy" walk away, go to the back where he meets someone from whom he receives the gun, after which he rushes to kill the tattoo artist whom he first pushed with the barrel of the gun. . After the treacherous shots, the victim fell backwards on the floor, near the motorcycle that he had refused to lend.

There is no one in La Vela who does not ask for justice for the crime of Jean Carlos Gutiérrez, as well as the arrest and imposition of a severe sentence on "Willy" who is said to have a criminal record.

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