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Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicThe National Police identified the young man who was shot dead by unknown assailants this Thursday night when he was having dinner at a pica pollo, located on Albert Thomas Avenue and Padre Castellano (17), in the National District.This is Yale Manuel Duval García, 33 years old, who had three criminal charges for robbery and homicide, according to uniformed spokesman Diego Pesqueira."When we searched our files, he appears with three records or files: one for homicide in 2018 and two others for robberies in both 2016 and 2010," said Pesqueira.The police spokesperson added that in relation to the crime there are several detainees for investigation purposes."The National Police has four people under investigation," he said.The murder of Yale Manuel Duval García was captured in a video that circulates on social networks, where he is seen sitting next to another person at a table in the establishment, moments in which the aggressor, without saying a word, started shooting at him.Subsequently, the perpetrator, who was wearing a black coat and blue jean pants, fled to an unknown destination.