Worker Survives Most Shocking Day Of His Life

Submitted on 08/16/2022 by: Wicked
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Accident 42,741 views


An unfortunate event was recorded on the morning of this Monday, August 8, 2022, in the Flavio Alfaro canton, in Manabí. A man was electrocuted at the top of a power pole, while carrying out repair work in the area where, hours before, there had been a strong fire.

The fire happened in the hose factory, according to the man by name. The affected person is Jorge Luis López, who would have climbed the post in order to try to disconnect the electrical fluid, but what he received was a shock that was about to take his life.

Personnel from the Chone and Flavio Fire Department rescued him alive, as they say, but with third-degree burns, those in the red coat detailed.

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