Minnesota School Fight

Submitted on 09/14/2023 by: Wicked
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Fight United States 8,811 views


Mankato East High School in Minnesota faced a half-hour lockdown Friday morning, following a huge fight on campus.

Superintendent Paul Peterson announced there were no significant injuries and assured that the students involved would be disciplined, The Free Press reported.

The incident brings into sharp focus the ongoing debate around the recent removal of school resource officers (SROs) due to a new state law limiting physical restraints on students. Police agencies across the state have withdrawn their SROs, expressing concern about potential liability under the new legislation.

“I discussed this with several attorneys who are familiar with this area of the law and they were unanimous: The law is unclear and it could result in litigation that threatens the livelihood of our school resource officers,” Hennepin County Sheriff Dawanna Witt said. “It could even subject them to criminal prosecution for trying to de-escalate a situation by restraining an out-of-control student.”

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