Man gets crushed by truck after getting hit by SUV

Submitted on 02/12/2025 by: yourfutureprophe
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Accident Indonesia 5,331 views

I can't imagine his thoughts in that 1 second after getting hit then going straight to the wheels of the truck. 'Rice?, WTF just happened?, life regrets?,life flashback? or somekind of random shit from the country he's from?' Well i guess we'll never know because the roads don't speak even with brain. But this is exactly why we should develop a living bio road made of tits material to stop things like these, and then add some brain absorption capabilities to like upload the brain into the road, then give the road some pussy so they'll be born again but as adults tho because they would be absorbed by the road again if they're born as babies, doing an infinite loop of death and rebirth. Humans are spending too much on flying exploding phalluses but not enough on tits road research like we should be, that shit is like a game changer we can finally grow pothole-less roads and if we're sick or dying we just go crack our head like an egg onto the road to get respawned.

Apparently the person that hit him is still not caught or identified, because they lack the cutting edge technology to do the enhance thing like the CSI. Like they had that since 2000, how are they still not capable of such technology? Putain de merde

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