Brazilian Singer Maced By Cops During Street Fight

Submitted on 11/28/2024 by: Wicked
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Leno Gomes, known as Nego do Borel , was involved in a traffic dispute on Sunday, the 24th, in Barra da Tijuca. In videos circulating on social media, the singer appears punching a man when the police arrive at the scene. Pepper spray was used to restrain those involved.

In his Instagram stories, Nego do Borel spoke out: "I had a little problem with a guy who punched me from behind, I don't want and I'm against any kind of violence, I've already said that the place to fight is in the ring. My master educates me very well and teaches me more every day, but there are times when you can't lower your head."

"Very annoying situation, but enough of being beaten and keeping quiet," he added.

The Military Police reported that both were taken to the 15th DP (Gávea), but that they did not file a police report. The information was confirmed by G1 .

In audio from an app driver sent by the singer's press office to Estadão , he explains that Nego do Borel hit a car, which led to the fight.

According to the driver, the man allegedly struck the singer first

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