Clazzy Ratchet Slurps Down 48 oysters — driving her date to ditch the tab -

Submitted on 10/20/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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EquanaB posted a video last week recounting a recent date she went on at Fontaine’s Oyster Bar in Atlanta.

Since Fontaine’s has the "best oysters in Atlanta hands down," according to EquanaB, she couldn’t resist putting in a few orders of the shellfish.

EquanaB recorded herself slurping down a few oysters, commenting on how delicious they were.

"It was so good," she said in the video. "I was not expecting it to be that good."

Oyster tray after oyster tray, EquanaB doused the shells in lemon and hot sauce, taking down each one until she hit a total of 48.

"When the fourth [tray] came out, he was looking at me crazy," she said.

"I didn’t give a f---. I’m like, ‘Baby, you invited me out – I’m gonna eat.’"

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