Police Taser Elderly Man With His Hands In The Air

Submitted on 02/23/2015 by: BroonSauce
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Key West, Florida - A video uploaded to YouTube yesterday shows an elderly gentleman with his hands up, posing no risk or threat to the officers, get tased in front of horrified witnesses.

The video, taken by a witness who was with his family on their way to Key West, shows officers yelling at people to get out of their vehicle. The elderly man exits the passenger side and an officer grabs and twists his arm. Another officer comes around to the other side of the vehicle yelling “let him go.” As the officer lets go, the man puts his hand back in the air, and the second officer tases him for no reason.

The man drops to the ground as the witnesses gasp in horror and question whether or not he is alive, noting that his body is limp.

There are 50,000 volts of electricity that shoot out of a police issued Taser and into their target. The American Heart Association has been vocal about the fact that tasers can cause cardiac arrest and death. Naturally, the elderly are more susceptible to these risks. There is no excuse for the officers playing roulette with this man’s life.

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