Machete Wielding Suspect Shot Dead By San Antonio Police

Submitted on 10/18/2023 by: Wicked
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The San Antonio Police Department has released footage of a man armed with a machete who was shot and killed by police as he attempted to leave the scene.

The incident started around 9:30 p.m. Sept. 16 when police received several calls about a man armed with a gun and a machete stealing stuff from a South Side restaurant’s storage area, said Sgt. Washington Moscoso, who provided the narration.

The narrated version of the incident can be found on the department’s YouTube channel. The raw version is available here.

While officers were en route to the 3100 block of Roosevelt Avenue, another person called in to report that some employees were chasing the man, later identified as Jesus Hernandez, 46, and that he had jumped a fence and ran into an apartment complex, Moscoso said. That caller said the man had stolen employees’ backpacks.

One of the employees also jumped the fence in pursuit, but lost sight of him, Moscoso said in the narration.

The employee heard some yelling and found his co-workers confronting Hernandez, who was holding the stolen backpacks, including the employee’s backpack, according to the narration. When the employee attempted to get his backpack, Hernandez started swinging a machete, causing the employee to back away, Moscoso said. He added that Hernandez also threatened other people with the machete before the officers arrived.

Hernandez ran into the apartment complex after police arrived, Moscoso said.

One of the officers saw Hernandez trip and fall, while holding on to the machete, footage from the officer’s body camera shows. Hernandez got up, ignoring the officer’s commands to “stop and drop the machete,” Moscoso said. He kept holding the machete and tried to leave the scene, Moscoso said. The officer fired two rounds, hitting Hernandez. Audio isn’t heard on the footage until after Hernandez walks away from the officer.

Despite lifesaving measures, Hernandez was pronounced dead at the scene.

The officer who shot Hernandez previously had been identified as Joshua Bagley, who has been with the department for three years.

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