Cops Arrest Bear-Spray Wielding Robbery Suspect at Walmart

Submitted on 11/17/2022 by: jonnyquest
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A man suspected of robbing two stores with bear spray was arrested on Saturday after a patrol officer noticed the suspect’s vehicle in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

According to Spokane Police Department (SPD), a man and woman entered a sporting goods store in north Spokane on Friday, Nov. 4, loading thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise into a cart and attempting to leave with it. When store employees confronted the pair, the man brandished bear spray and pointed it towards employees, elevating the crime to a robbery.

Loss prevention staff managed to wrestle some of the items away from the man, however both he and the woman were able to flee. Investigators obtained photos of the suspect and his vehicle.

On Saturday, a patrol officer recognized the suspect’s car parked in a northside Wal-Mart lot. After calling for backup, police waited outside the entrance, intending to search the store and take him into custody.

As police prepared to enter, the man came running out the front doors with bear spray in one hand and stolen merchandise in the other. Later investigation indicated the suspect had again attempted to leave without paying and threatened a store employee with the bear spray.

The suspect, identified as 31-year-old Spencer Media, attempted first to flee, then fought with an officer, striking them while they attempted to take him into custody.

In bodycam footage released by SPD, Media can be seen as he leaves the Wal-Mart, bear spray in hand, and officers apprehending him. It ends when the officer’s body-worn camera is knocked from his chest. SPD says this was “due to the suspect’s violent behavior.”

Media was booked into Spokane County Jail for first-degree robbery, second-degree robbery, third-degree assault of an officer, and multiple other misdemeanor charges. He also had an active warrant out of Idaho.

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