When the neanderthal gene takes over

Submitted on 02/08/2025 by: yourfutureprophe
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Fight United States 18,851 views

Homo Sapien var. Africanus with traces of Australopithecus africanus thought she could take on a Homo Sapien var. Europianus/Neanderthal hybrid. At first the challenger did some battle/mating dances in order to try to intimidate the hybrid but the defender wasn't having any of it and tried to get out of situation as if the challenger wasn't worth her time.

That is until... the challenger pushed the defender in the back of the head, it activated the dormant neanderthal reptillian brain making her pull the power from her ancestors who hunt mammoths to club this insolent Homo Sapien var. Africa into submission, the traces of "Killer Ape" Australopithecus Africanus inside her was too gobsmacked to come out. Thus our challenger gets a nice serving of brain damage and the loss of social standing.

This concludes my human behavior deep dive analysis for this video. Merci

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