Cop Kills Midget, Robbers, And Victim

Submitted on 11/29/2023 by: glittercannon
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Justice Brazil 12,031 views


Américo Alves Pereira Filho, Morumbi, São Paulo, 11.26.23.

Once upon a time, there was a midget. A thief. In Brazil. Good luck.

The daughter of hotshot doctor Roger Abdelmassih and her husband, Dennis Roberto Ramos, 53, were returning home on a luxury bike, riding double. They were speeding home because they were followed by said dwarf and cohort, also on a bike, accompanied by another winner fellow on his own bike; one of theIr two bikes were already stolen.

An off-duty bike cop with Spidey-sense went fucking postal, shooting at anything that moved. Midget & Co. returned fire, but evidently marksmanship isn't taught at The Clown Academy. In all fairness, little fuck can dodge a closing security gate. All three scholars were hit. Badge boy was left unscathed.

Our hero did pretty good. Problem is, he shot hubby Dennis, who died in hospital. His upcoming 54th birthday was December 1st. Good times.

Although this is hot news in Brazil, reports say nothing as to which two of the three dingdongs were killed. Perhaps our vertically-challenged thug met the sky carnival.

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