White Girls From Philadelphia Commit a Cardinal Sin

Submitted on 02/10/2023 by: Wicked
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White student spraying another white student's face with a dark paint, calling her a "slave." The other girl responds that she is Black and proud, while other students laugh in the background.

Nikole Hines, whose daughter once attended Saint Hubert, says that while the allegations are disturbing, they are not too far removed from what her daughter contended with.

"A lot of microaggressions, pulling on her hair, and laugh about it - video it," Hines said.

She hopes the appropriate actions are taken.

"I want reform. They have to do something. This cannot continue whether the school remains here or not," she said.

The Archdiocese says the video was brought to the attention of St. Hubert Catholic High School administration on Tuesday after its students posted images and videos on social media.

The Archdiocese went on to say all those responsible will be disciplined appropriately in accordance with Saint Hubert School's handbook.

"Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia seek to form young men and women of character. We view racism as a mortal sin. There is no place for it in our hearts and minds and there is no tolerance for such behavior at Saint Hubert's or any Catholic School," the Archdiocese said in a statement.

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