Hit by a car in NORTH Korea!

Submitted on 04/05/2021 by: rollthebones
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Accident North Korea 8,341 views


Yes, this actually did happen in North Korea. I cut out the watermark or profile photo, whatever it is called. I’m not sure if that was necessary, but just in case. The uploader has access to youtube and has made some videos about daily life in North Korea, as his goal is to show the rest of the world that “North Korea is just like any other state”. One way he does this is by showing us a traffic jam in North Korea. This is quite rare since a very small percentage of North Koreans have access to transportation, neither their own car. While on a drive, a man runs across the street and is hit by the youtuber’s car. He is relatively okay. Some may call the pedestrian stupid. While it is foolish to cross the road without looking, keep in mind traffic isn’t a popular thing, so I assume most North Koreans don’t pay too much attention to the road. Most of the time there are other pedestrians or bicyclists. Anyway, this is something light and spontaneous. Have a good day everyone

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