Straphanger throwing tantrum, attempting to slap cop after NYPD officer tells her to stop vaping at subway stop

Submitted on 07/01/2024 by: Wicked
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moment a woman at a subway stop in Brooklyn threw a tantrum after she was allegedly reprimanded for trying to smoke an electronic cigarette on the platform — screaming and stomping her feet before attempting to slap a cop.

Video shared on Instagram shows the furious woman throwing a toddler-like fit in front of two officers, yelling at them, “I don’t have ID.”

The woman, who can be seen carrying a $2,000 Goyard bag, becomes more irate as the cops try to talk with her, gesticulating in their faces as she yells and stomps her feet.

The officer continues talking to her, but she continues screaming and balls up her fists before moving closer to the officer and aggressively stomping as she seethes, “I don’t give a f–k, get out of the way.”

She calls them “b—h a–” and waves her arms around furiously, prompting the officers to detain her.

The woman continues protesting, now more quietly, telling the officers “What the hell” as they seem to search through her bag.

One of the officers can be seen looking at what appears to be her wallet before the clip abruptly ends.

It was not immediately clear when the video was recorded.

The Instagram user who shared the clip last week noted the interaction took place in Brooklyn after the woman was caught using an electronic cigarette at a subway station.

The user who shared the footage wrote across the clip, “Let’s see what happens if you smoke electronic cigarettes on the subway platform.”

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