Sicko Stabs 19 Year Old Female Employee In The Neck

Submitted on 02/06/2024 by: Wicked
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Investigators from the station district department opened a criminal case against a 23-year-old local resident. He is accused of attempted murder.

It was established that on the night of February 2, in a store on Polyusnaya Street, a man stabbed a salesman in the neck with a knife. The victim received prompt medical assistance. During the interrogation, the man fully admitted his guilt and repented. According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tula Region, the issue of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention is being decided.

Investigators are now taking the necessary steps to collect and secure evidence. The scene of the incident was inspected, witnesses were questioned, and examinations were ordered. The progress of the investigation is being monitored by the investigative department.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tula region, the duty department received a message from the Vanykino hospital. A 19-year-old cashier was brought to them early in the morning with a wound in the neck. During operational activities, criminal investigation officers detained a Tula man who was not working anywhere.

As the Tula Press learned, the attack took place in the Dixie supermarket

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