Driver Manages to Flip Car After Clipping Truck

Submitted on 05/25/2022 by: observador747
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Accident 12,671 views


Images captured by the camera of a truck that trafficked on the morning of Wednesday (25) by PR 151, They recorded the exact moment of the accident that involved two trucks and a ride car on the stretch of highway that is located in Castro, in Campos Gerais.

As the video shows, shot from four different angles (front, cabin and rear right and left), the driver of one of the trucks involved would normally drive down the highway shortly after 7:10 a.m., when he was surprised by a car that came in the opposite direction flipping over the track.

According to the State Highway Police, responsible for attending the occurrence, the accident happened in kilometer 290 PR 151, next to Calpar company, involving a Fiat Argo with plates of São Paulo and that in the image appears flipping on the highway before reaching the trucks Mercedes Benz and Scania, with plates of Santa Catarina and Paraná, respectively.

Also according to PRE, the driver of Argo was rescued and forwarded with moderate injuries to the Emergency Unit (UPA) Castro. The drivers of the two trucks were not injured.

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