Cops Teargas Sportsfans

Submitted on 01/21/2024 by: glittercannon
play again watch more videos like this one White Trash Bitch Fight Put some lipstick 'round my dipstick He took off LOL Even the Girls Bring the Smoke in Colombia Students engaged in a fight at North Carolina HS Smell Of The Female Illegal Vendors Get Into A Fight With Police In Russia Baton vs knife
Fight Brazil 10,811 views


PE-15, Arena Pernambuco, São Lourenço da Mata, Recife, 1.20.24, a.m.

Sport and Santa Cruz fans confronted each other just a few hours before the long-awaited classic between the teams.

For those few kaotic commenters who think edits/descriptions are so easily AI-generated without any uploader work, eat a fucking Samoan dick, and vote for @dongcircus. Gandhi said that. And fuck your mom. Thank you.

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