12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

Submitted on 05/05/2014 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

2 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

3 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

4 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

5 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

6 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

7 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

8 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

9 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

10 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

11 12 of the Worst Movie Posters Ever

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Let's face it, some movie posters are truly memorable, while others are fairly forgettable. But there are those posters that came out so awful, well I just had to pass 'em on just to make you suffer....hehehehehe

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