Repairing Abortion Mishap

Submitted on 01/13/2025 by: glittercannon
1 Repairing Abortion Mishap

2 Repairing Abortion Mishap

3 Repairing Abortion Mishap

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A 21-year-old unmarried female, residing in a village in North India, secretly indulged in illegal abortion at 18 weeks of gestation by consuming abortion pills that she had procured from a local pharmacy. Since the fetus was not expelled, she visited a village midwife the next day, who delivered the baby by instrumentation. Few hours later, she had bouts of cough that led to prolapse of intestine from the vaginum. She was taken to a local hospital from where she was referred to our center. The length of prolapsed bowel increased every time she coughed, strained, or got up from lying position. She reached our hospital 12 hours after the abortion in a state of shock with two meters of small bowel protruding from vagina (Figure 1). Most of the eviscerated bowel was gangrenous and detached from mesentery. She was pale and drowsy, and had blood pressure of 80/50 mm of Hg with a feeble pulse of 120 per minute. The extremities were cold and clammy. Resuscitation with intravenous fluids was followed by an emergency laparotomy. The prolapsed segment (Figure 2) extended from proximal jejunum to distal ileum (30 cm proximal to the ileo-cecal valve). There was no spillage of intestinal contents in the peritoneum, and a 3 x 3 cm defect was present in the posterior uterine wall (Figure 3). The necrotic small bowel (160 cm) was resected and followed by end jejunostomy. The uterus, which was completely viable, was repaired by suturing. Two units of packed red blood cells were transfused during the surgery. Empirical broad spectrum antibiotics were continued for a week, and oral elemental diet was started on the fourth post-operative day. Rest of the hospital stay was uncomplicated. She underwent a follow-up surgery for stoma closure three months later, and jejunum was anastomosed with the distal ileum.

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