One of the World's Dirtiest humans

Submitted on 01/10/2014 by: Klisa
1 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

2 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

3 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

4 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

5 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

6 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

7 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

8 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

9 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

10 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

11 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

12 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

13 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

14 One of the World's Dirtiest humans

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80-year-old Amoo Hadji, who lives in the village of Dezhgah city of Farashband in Fars province of Iran, has not showered for almost 60 years. Amoo Hadji lives the most primitive life.

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