
Submitted on 07/12/2021 by: wormsgottaeat
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Octopus is grouped within the class ‘Cephalopoda’ along with squids, nautiloids, and cuttlefish.

They have a beak in its mouth at the center point of their eight limbs.

Octopus lives in different places of the ocean such as pelagic waters, coral reefs, and the seabed.

Although many octopuses are known to live in the intertidal zone (area within the tidal range), some of them also live at the abyssal depths.

Some species of octopus can live down to the depths of more than 10,000 feet.

The octopus’s ink expulsion is their best defense against predators to hide from their sight.

They are also fast swimmers with a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

The term “octopus” came from the Greek word, ‘októpus,’ which means “eight-foot.”

In general, most of the octopus species grow quickly and have fast maturity.

Most octopus has a short lifespan between 1 year to 5 years depending on the species.

Female octopuses die after their eggs have hatched.

Aside from the fact that male octopus typically dies a few months after mating, the female octopus also dies shortly after their eggs hatch. The duration of egg incubation normally takes 2 to 10 months, depending on the species and water temperature. During which, the mother octopus stops eating, and only focuses on protecting her eggs from any danger.

Mating may take up to several hours.

When mating, the male octopus will insert his hectocotylus into the female’s mantle cavity and deposit spermatophores. The hectocotylus is the modified arm of the male octopus which they use to transfer sperm to the female. Depending on the species, the mating may take up to several hours.

However, there is a risk of the male octopus being eaten during mating due to the cannibal nature of the female octopus. To prevent this, they either mate in a distance, or the male octopus will mount onto the back of the female octopus, leaving time for his escape if things go wrong.

All octopuses have venom.

When an octopus catches its prey, it breaks into the shell and injects its venomous saliva into the prey to paralyze or kill it. Although all octopuses have venom, not all of them are dangerous to humans. Only the blue-ringed octopus is fatal just with one bite.

The blue-ringed octopus' venom is fatal.

Inspired by the video in description. Enjoy

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