two American volunteers in Ukraine’s armed forces were wounded by artillery fire near Orikhiv

Submitted on 04/27/2022 by: zefok12
1 two American volunteers in Ukraine’s armed forces were wounded by artillery fire near Orikhiv

2 two American volunteers in Ukraine’s armed forces were wounded by artillery fire near Orikhiv

3 two American volunteers in Ukraine’s armed forces were wounded by artillery fire near Orikhiv

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Manus McCaffrey & Paul Gray. Both are US Army veterans.

The two worked together as a team targeting Russian tanks with Javelins. McCaffrey suffered shrapnel wounds to his face, head, and torso. A concrete wall fell on Gray, wounding his foot. Both men are in hospital.

Gray told : “We were ready for a tank to come down the road when the artillery hit us. A concrete wall protected me but then fell on me. Manus took the hardest blow and shrapnel.

Both are US Army veterans.

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