Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

Submitted on 09/24/2013 by: Klisa
1 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

2 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

3 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

4 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

5 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

6 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

7 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

8 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

9 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

10 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

11 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

12 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

13 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

14 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

15 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

16 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

17 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

18 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

19 Indoor Home Shelter that was popular during the War

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The Morrison shelter was created by John Baker and named after the Minister of Home Security, Herbert Morrison.

The shelters came in home assembly kits and were 6 ft 6 in (2 m) long, 4 ft (1.2 m) wide and 2 ft 6 in (0.75 m) high and had a solid 1/8 in (3 mm) steel plate “table” top with wire mesh sides and a metal floor.

500,000 shelters were distributed by the end of 1941 and were given free to households with a combined income of less than $640(£400) per year in preparation for the expected German V-1 “Doodlebug” bomb attacks.

A dog cage for humans!

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