1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

Submitted on 01/06/2025 by: zeppelin666
1 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

2 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

3 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

4 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

5 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

6 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

7 1/Death of a man following an attack by 7 Pitbulls // 2/Machete attack on his wife

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(I intend to publish photo docs. I prefer that to videos, even if it's more work to upload ... Zep')

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1/ Attack by 7 Pitbulls (Photos 01 to 04 )

My sources for the text: PortalCantu (radio),


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February 2nd, 2021

A 46-year-old man was attacked by seven Pitbull dogs.

According to information from family members, 46-year-old Aglacir de Macedo Pereira left home and was attacked by a neighbor's dogs,

The bitten man died immediately after being admitted to the Santa Cruz hospital.

Family members deplored the fact that the dogs were running at large.



2/ Machete attack on his wife (Photos 05 to 07)

In Cali, Colombia's most dangerous city, an angry man attacked his wife.

The woman suffered injuries to her head, legs and arms.

The crowd heard the action and began hitting the partner with bricks.

The police arrived and arrested the aggressive husband.




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