The First Ever Computer

Submitted on 06/26/2014 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 The First Ever Computer

2 The First Ever Computer

3 The First Ever Computer

4 The First Ever Computer

5 The First Ever Computer

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ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the very first electronic computer, ENIAC was all-purpose electronic computer introduced in 1946 reprogrammable to solve full range of computing problems, it was build in Ballistic Research Laboratory for calculating the artillery firing tables or ranges for Army of United States, the capabilities include adding 5000 numbers in a second and compute the trajectory of an artillery shell(which used to took days if calculated by hands).

The ENIAC was a very big machine of that time with 30 Ton in weight, 6,000 switches and blinking lights and including 19,000 vacuum tubes.

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