10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

Submitted on 12/21/2013 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

2 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

3 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

4 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

5 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

6 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

7 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

8 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

9 10 of the Most Hated People on the Internet

Other 10,360 views


Why isn't Rachel Ray here with her annoying fucking loud mouth?? also the Jackey Chan thing was a total shocker, but then again could be because he became an American....

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