15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

Submitted on 05/05/2014 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

2 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

3 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

4 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

5 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

6 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

7 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

8 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

9 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

10 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

11 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

12 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

13 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

14 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches

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Every two years, the owners of the world's most elaborate facial hair come together for the World Beard and Moustache Championships. From 1990, the championships feature competition in a variety of categories that include everything from the delicate Dali moustache to the outrageous full beard freestyle.

Sense I saw all you guy's get so excited over Mysticmoods mustache, thought i would give ya'll a few idea's...lol.

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