An abandoned French wheeled tank AMX-10RCR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Submitted on 07/15/2023 by: evv19
1 An abandoned French wheeled tank AMX-10RCR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2 An abandoned French wheeled tank AMX-10RCR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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An abandoned French wheeled tank AMX-10RCR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, along with ammunition near Novodonetsk, which was photographed by our readers from the Russian army special forces.

The ammo found included 105 mm OFUM 105 F3 shells with white phosphorus (in the foreground), as well as 105 mm OFL 105 F1 finned sub-caliber shells (second in line).

OFUM 105 F3 are designed for use as smoke projectiles, but under certain conditions they can also be used as incendiary ones.

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