Visual Kei Dudes

Submitted on 11/22/2013 by: Frumunda
1 Visual Kei Dudes

2 Visual Kei Dudes

3 Visual Kei Dudes

4 Visual Kei Dudes

5 Visual Kei Dudes

6 Visual Kei Dudes

7 Visual Kei Dudes

8 Visual Kei Dudes

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11 Visual Kei Dudes

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The Gangnam Style shoot-up got me thinking about my own music interests. Among them Jpop and Kpop. There is a very interesting genre called Visual Kei; These guys dress as you see here.

They are more eye-candy than actual talent, though not always; case in point Gackt is awesome, as is Yohio, though may be because he sings almost exactly like Gackt. I digress. I have chosen a few that you might very well go home with if you were unaware they were dudes. Hell, some of them you might not even care! Anyway, enjoy!

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