Very cool and weird toys

Submitted on 06/02/2014 by: Wicked
1 Very cool and weird toys

2 Very cool and weird toys

3 Very cool and weird toys

4 Very cool and weird toys

5 Very cool and weird toys

6 Very cool and weird toys

7 Very cool and weird toys

8 Very cool and weird toys

9 Very cool and weird toys

10 Very cool and weird toys

11 Very cool and weird toys

12 Very cool and weird toys

13 Very cool and weird toys

14 Very cool and weird toys

15 Very cool and weird toys

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DrilOne is a New Yorker at heart and a San Franciscan by location. On the East Coast, he painted only 2d work; on the west coast, toys are his preferred canvas. He began working with vinyl in 2005, and soon after stumbled upon the formula that would serve as his signature style.

By taking a playful object and distressing it to, quite literally, its breaking point, Dril comments on oblivion, transience, and re-birth. Dril says simply: «I love rust, decay, history, ruins, military, skulls, vintage, and all this makes me who I am».*

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