9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

Submitted on 12/26/2013 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

2 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

3 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

4 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

5 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

6 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

7 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

8 9 Unbelievable Pieces of Art that Actually Sold

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If this bulshit can sell, I'm curious how much I would get for my art in a fucking Gallery....

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