Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

Submitted on 04/15/2014 by: KRAFTYSARAH
1 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

2 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

3 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

4 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

5 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

6 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

7 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

8 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

9 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

10 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

11 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

12 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

13 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

14 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

15 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

16 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

17 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

18 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

19 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

20 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

21 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

22 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

23 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

24 Leonardo Da vinci's prototype's that predicted the future

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Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci was an Italian artist and scientist who lived during the Renaissance era, between April 15th 1452 and the second of May, 1519. His works include wide range of topics, such as painting, sculpturing, mathemathics, engineering, architecture, music, antomy, geology, geography and botany. Now we’re going to take a closer view over his engineering inventions, which were far ahead of their time.

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