Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

Submitted on 11/26/2013 by: Fernando91
1 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

2 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

3 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

4 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

5 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

6 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

7 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

8 Man strips sleeping drunk wife naked on PS4 Twitch stream

Other 80,073 views


"Darckobra" and his wife sat on a couch drinking, and drinking, and drinking. Eventually, the wife passed out. So the man did what any man deserving of divorce papers would do: he showed the internet some breast -- and not his own. Yes, live on Twitch TV, via The Playroom on PS4, a man lifted up his unconscious wife's shirt and exposed her breast.

After 15 or 16 post-boob minutes, the channel went dark briefly; upon its return, the wife was completely naked, presumably stripped by the husband. Twitch eventually banned Darckobra, but not before he -- potentially -- changed the whole landscape of this streaming situation. If things like this continue, and especially if they continue to be lumped in association with Sony, you better believe that features will be re-examined, modified, and possibly even removed. No company wants to be associated with this kind of thing, and measures will be taken to add distance.

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