Iiiiiit's a Miracle!

Submitted on 02/12/2021 by: Charredtorso
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A Charredtorso story.

Iiiiiit's a Miracle!

Up until recently I worked as a civilian contractor for the U.S. Marshal's Service. The majority of our work involved guarding Federal Prisoners in private hospital that were undergoing medical procedures or psychological evaluation. I have hours worth of stories that have been removed from my favorite files. The following are a couple put together.

We had an inmate with advanced heart disease. After a batch of tests the Cardio Doctors told him he needed his coronary arteries shunted or he would die soon! The inmate was resistant and just wanted to go back and do his remaining 8 years for bank robbery. The doctor told him he would be DEAD in 8 hours! The inmate finally agreed to have the procedure done.

My partner and I sat in front of a giant window in the monitor room and watched the Cardiac Cath procedure, as required by the USMS. Right after they knocked him out the inmate 'coded'. The Cath staff moved like it happened all of the time and calmly and quietly got him pumping again. In the next 20 minutes the inmate flat lined three more times! The crew brought him back to the light and hustled him up to acute cardiac care. He was on very thin ice for the rest of our shift and I thought I was going to get beat out of the next three shifts if he died.

I called in the next am to see if I was scheduled to work the inmate. When I arrived in his regular room he was eating a hearty lunch, all bright and alert. "Dude, you tried to die on us 4 times yesterday afternoon." "Yeah, that's what they told me...I feel fine."

Another inmate had a massive stroke while in the hospital. The Neurologist took me out in the hall outside his room. "You need to call the USMS and get his family in here, he is very very gravely ill!"

Our supervisor didn't like to work. If something involved making a few phone calls or writing a report it wasn't going to happen. I explained the situation to the doctor and gave him the double secrets back line to the Marshal's Service. The inmate eventually made a full recovery and was seen by his family. My supervisor went ape shit when he found out I gave the Doctor the USMS phone number.

Before leaving that evening I told the comatose inmate, who was a huge pain in the ass before the stroke: "Don't you fucking die on me, I am scheduled 3 more shifts watching your sorry ass this week...!" As punishment the supervisor sent me up to work up in the psyche unit to work some full on bat shit crazy prisoner.


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